St Aidan’s Winter Beast – Sunday 26 January 2025

St Aidan’s Winter Beast – Sunday 26 January 2025

Race report Paul Tranter

After a bit of hiatus in racing since the Belfast Half Marathon back in September (due to various physical ailments) it was good to get out and race again.

We both did this race last year and looking back at the sunny photos we remembered an enjoyable race in a great location so decided to do it again. Only then did we recall the mud, endless mud, freezing cold water and a proper water hazard.

Anyway, turns out the mud wasn’t as bad as we remembered (though there was plenty of it. Mostly just ankle deep but occasionally mid-calf) but the water was still freezing! There was also quite a lot of ice this year and it would scatter off across the ground each time your foot broke through another icy puddle.
But, overall, very enjoyable.

The race is organised by Race Best and everything went like clockwork. RSPB who run the site have the parking logistics sorted. Toilets, cafe and race number collection were all right by the start and every finisher got a medal, bottle of water and the choice of (large) chocolate bar or can of beer.

The course is definitely ‘mixed terrain’ from gravel paths to muddy fields and woodland, a section across the concrete causeway (which last year was under water), one steep hill, a slippery embankment and THAT water feature. It’s the outlet sluice for the St Aidan’s washland and is a good two or three feet deep!

We were both happy with our times, both running just a few seconds slower than last year. Which, as Pamela pointed out is pretty good given we are a year older, but I was still a bit miffed not to get a new PB. Still, I hit my pace target.

The race is advertised as being 6.66 miles (for obvious reasons), but we both clocked 6.8.

The results:
First overall was Dale Redden from the Splinter Running Club in 40:21
First female and 24th overall was Chloe Hirst from Harrogate Harriers & AC in 49:57.
For Otley AC:
Paul Tranter 56:47
Ursula Mcgouran 1:15:05 (and first in age category)
Pamela Tranter 1:15:42

Online race results

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