Calverley Cutter Trail Race, Saturday 25th January.
Race report Matt Podd
This 10 Mile trail race is put on by Great Owl running and starts from The Bridge Inn at Kirkstall. It’s the third time I’ve done it and this year only Teresa joined me from the club. There is also a 10Km race out and back along the canal.
Off we went along the canal, over Newlay Bridge and down along the River Aire to Woodhouse Grove. Back over the river and canal and up Calverley Cut to run back towards Leeds on the road for about a mile. Down across fields to rejoin our route out. So back to finish at the Bridge Inn and a free beer!
Good local race in fair weather and no one fell in the canal or river, though someone unfortunately broke their ankle on the trail out. Pleased to be only 2 minutes slower than two years ago (and 15 minutes faster
than last year, when I had a really bad back) and I was first in my age category and am to receive a medal for this!
- Oliver Shaw. 1.09.42
- 9th Melanie Sebo. 1.18.32
- 29thTeresa Woodford. 1.28.30
- 44th Matt Podd. 1.40.19
80 runners.